Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Business Networking International

Through my mentor, I was introduced to BNI Santana Row. Last week I attended my first meeting and met some fellow entrepreneurs. As soon as I walked in, I was handed a huge stack of member's business cards and encouraged to leave a stack of my own business cards for members to have themselves. Who likes a networking event where you gain contact information without actual contact? Me. Me.

The group has a family feel and the premise of the organization is to get to genuinely know people in the group so you can refer them to clients and friends. In turn, you gain referrals from other members. There are some quirky sayings like, "givers gain" and slips to show that you have been meeting face to face with members and making referrals. Overall, I thought it is pretty organized.

I'm not sure I will be joining this particular group because they have someone that has a similar business to mine already in the group. To preserve the integrity of the group, only one person in each field can join. I was assured that another group probably has room for me.

The community has been nice in the virtual world as well. My LinkedIn has blown up with added contacts. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The G

What Google analytics looks like when you first set up and no one loves you...
Unless you live under a rock, you know that to be anything on the web, you have to kiss The G, caress The G, and send him your first child. Who's The G? None other than Google.

Google has requirements to gain Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on the mighty search page. Lots and lots of complicated requirements. You have to figure out how to cut and paste code and place them on your website so Google can find it, but no one else can see. You have to figure out if you want to track the visitors to your site (I opted out). You have to figure out a plethora of other things as well.

Does The G know I exist? Hardly. One day I will figure out the algorithm and share it with you. In the meantime, don't hold your breathe :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Visionary Circles

Since my first networking event, I have been matched up with a mentor through Promote Her Business. My mentor is another "creative" and works with me to build my business. 

This group is focused on helping women be more successful in their entrepreneurial quests and hosts monthly meetings where VIP mentors give advice on various topics. I attended my first event last week. As a newbie, I filled out a worksheet and was given business pointers and suggestions. 

Lynnea Hagen speaks about business goals
I'm pretty much failing at articulating my difference and my vision. Hooray! At least I'm starting to understand this complex world a little more.

The important thing is that I am learning. That always makes life worth living.